Wow. I cannot believe how much time has passed since I have blogged. When winter break started I decided I needed to divide up my time: I couldn't spend the entire break working and I most certainly could not spend the break relaxing the whole time.
Last week was my week of pure and complete relaxation. I spent some well needed time with my family. I ate what ever I pleased and did what ever I wanted to do that day. I even stayed up way later than normal. No limits on anything. Let me just tell you, it was worth it. On Christmas Eve eve my grandmother and I baked an apple pie and my we did some very last minute Christmas shopping. On Christmas Eve, I went to a very intense spin class. Afterwards, I helped my mom prepare for our lovely dinner that evening. Later, we went to mass at the Cathedral in downtown Charlestion for Christmas Eve mass and later in the evening, my family and I went to a holiday party. On Christmas Day, we opened presents from loved ones, (do you sense a post?) and spent the day relaxing. On Thursday, I had an event to go in the afternoon. After that some serious clothes shopping was done in downtown Charleston along with my mom and dad's early anniversary dinner. On Friday, we took a trip down to Kiawah for the day after another spin class. My Mama, Grandfather and Grandma all had a lovely spa treatment while my dad and I went shopping.
This week is all about slowly getting back into a new routine. Experimenting with new year lifestyle changes and early bedtimes are just to start. Lots of work will be done in preparation for the upcoming midterms at school. I will playing my piano for at least an hour every day for this week on forward. I am going to update you on what my new year is going to look like in terms of health and fitness. There are some major changes ahead!
I hope you an your family had a wonderful holiday season. I cannot wait to start the new year off with a fresh start. Do you have any ideas for blog posts relating to the new year? Email me at .
xoxo, Kira
There is nothing better in this entire world than spending time with grandchildren. Happy New Year to everyone! N