

When I was younger, my parents made decisions for me. They signed me up for ballet classes, choir, basketball camp; anything to keep me busy. As I became older I started to filter down my activities outside of school just to year round swimming. I was committed. I went to swim practice for the better part of every evening after school, I participated in at least fifty swim meets and even had dreams of becoming an Olympic swimmer. I was absolutely basking in the light of the passion that I had for this time consuming, expensive sport. But one day about four years ago, the switch just turned off. I started dreading every practice, every meet and every encounter that I had with swimming. And one day, I just didn't go to practice. That was the end of my swimming adventure.

That fiery passion that I felt for swimming was extinguished. I felt almost lifeless. There was no true drive to keep me going. My parents presented me with several opportunities to find this passion again through different sports and even a different swim team. I didn't latch on to any of their ideas, and I eventually found myself lost. I felt like there was a desert, but no matter which way I turned there was no means for escape. 

After about three months of living in this deep, black hole. I was reintroduced into life through a Crossfit-like fitness program via my parents. They thought I would absolutely hate it. And I did for the first few months. But then, I started seeing results that I loved. So in completely threw myself into fitness and every opportunity I found to talk about fitness. I discovered accounts on Instagram related to healthy foods, exercise tips, facts and statistics, success stories and even ab challenges. I searched into the wee hours of the morning for different recipes, workout moves and skin care. I found my new passion: healthy living. 

I developed this real passion by myself, except for the tiny boost in the beginning from my parents. Because of this true self effort, my whole outlook on life became very positive. Instead of having a "When is this day going to be over?" approach to my life, I now wake up each and every single day wondering what adventures are going to be in store for me today. 

It was me who brought myself out of my deep hole. It was me who discovered new ways to live live. It was me who reshaped my style and my lifestyle. I had help along the way, but every single thing that has happened since those days has been a choice made by me. Sure, there have been some rough patches along the way and somebody was there to grab my hand. No longer do I feel as if though I should allow them to rescue me. 

I learned a lot in this journey. No one can make your decisions and no one can change the decisions that you have already made. You need to find what makes you happy and let it be your light, your fire, your zest for your life. You must carve out and walk your own path. 

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  1. Each day is a gift to unwrap and savor and I am so happy you recognize this secret. The world before you lies! A very wise teenager, Marcella, said this in 1977 - I remember it well. GM

  2. I really admire that. You should do a post on your fitness routine.


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