
Memoirs of the Weekend

{ Pizza from none other than Whole Foods to start the weekend off. }

{ Project bedroom took a dramatic turn, but the end result will be even more amazing. }

{ Purchasing of a new bed followed by a flower run to Whole Foods. }

{ Lazy hair and glasses to complete the weekend look. } 

Even though it is summer, the weeks can still be crazy. I have several classes I am taking online to get ahead of the game for the fall time, and those will be starting this week. 

Friday, I had a fashion show for a local design school. It was such an amazing experience modeling for students who are hopeful for a career in the fashion design industry.  They incorporated sweetgrass, a Lowcountry staple, into their designs. 

Saturaday was spent working out and planning the new bedroom. My new room is finally starting to come out of the works and finally becoming a reality. Major design changes did happen this weekend (#soexcited). 

Sunday was spent driving practice and more room planning. This girl will be getting her drivers liscence hopefully by the end of the month. Fingers crossed! 

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1 comment

  1. Your BIG GIRL bedroom will be your sanctuary and I know it will be perfect. On the driving - yikes!!!!! GM


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