

One of my most favorite aspects of traveling to a foreign country is diving head first into the local culture. I've never been to a place more exotic than the highlands of Ecuador: there were so many amazing ways for me to discover the little things about the country. The most amazing part about Ecuador was that the people, whether or not the spoke English, were always willing to show you more and teach you about the country that they call home sweet home. 

Enpanadas are an Ecuadorian staple. All over the country they are filled with fish, different meats, cheeses, plantains; you name it, it can probably be put in an Empanada. The dough is composed of very basic ingredients like flour, butter, and eggs. Then after it is cut into a circle, the empanada is filled with whatever the consumer chooses. In my cooking lesson with a local expert we stuck to the basics: freshly made cheese. 

After the "middle" is put in, the dough is folded and sealed using a super tricky, but signature, method. 

The local cook made it look so easy, I on the other hand, failed to create the perfect closure. After the dough in sealed, it is then fried to crispy perfection. Being sensitive to fried foods, I could only take just a nibble, but I had such an amazing experience learning how this local delicacy is made. 

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