
loving you :: finding a way to indulge + recipe

wow this is kind of cool, my school district just proposed an ice day. so today I have the day off from school. yay! now there are more cool posts coming up soon! 

Eating is probably the less talked about subject amongst older girls and younger women. Each of them has self confidence issues and sometimes it leads to deprivation of the most important thing you need to provide yourself with; food. Food is not just one of the most pleasurable luxuries that come in life, but it is also a dangerous weapon that many use against them selves. 

Yes, I do have self confidence issues, everyone does, but I do not take it out on food. I love food, all kinds. And some days more than others, my sweet tooth gets to me. I have come to realize that that is perfectly okay. I typically let myself eat whatever I want because what I eat for the most part is quite simple and healthy; smoothies, fruits, vegetables, lean meats and grains. But what I have really had issues on, especially after Christmas, is the limits on sweets. Sometimes I can't just hold back, I have to eat chocolate on the spot or I might just perish. (Just kidding, or maybe hehe)

Recently, I have promised myself to find another alternative to the evening than a sugar overload dessert. I really love fruit because it provides the same sweetness of ice cream, except the sugar is all natural. I love finding healthy ways to make a chocolate milkshake or twists on the classic ice cream sandwich (I haven't had one of those since I was like five, but still). I love to take a half of a banana and slice it in half and put Cookie Butter from Trader Joe's in between. It is pure yumminess and less than 200 calories, if you think in the terms of calories. In other words, try looking for alternative options to satisfy your sweet tooth, there are many ways to! 

If you are single this Valentine's Day or plan to devour a whole tub of ice cream, put down that spoon. This recipe will blow your mind away. It is very light, healthier that ice cream and has a sweet and a tart taste. 
Berry Lemon Parfait 

  • Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • Lemon Curd (I got mine from Whole Foods)
  • Cinnamon (or ginger) cookies or grahams
  • berries -- I used raspberries and strawberries
  1. Spoon the yogurt into a small bowl 
  2. Stir in two tablespoons of lemon curd into the bowl
  3. Divide up the yogurt (if you are sharing) into no more than two equal portions
  4. Garnish with and/or place berries in between layers and on the top of the parfait
  5. Sprinkle with some cookie or graham crumbs
Let me know if you try this recipe, I would love to hear your response and see how it turned out. 

Have a great day! 


  1. I am going to have to try that. It looks delicious!!!! :)

    Love Always,

  2. That looks delicious! I am going to have to try that!



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